Listen: Rare Half Hour Recording of Rebbe’s Hakafos

The Rebbe’s Hakafos were known to be the highlight of the year for thousands of chassidim. Listen to a half hour recording of the Hakafos in 5736, recorded by a visitor who was only keeping one day of Yom Tov.

0:00 – The Rebbe recites the possuk of Ata Horeisa
0:16 – Congregation reciting the possuk of ki Mitziyon
0:25 – Singing Hoshia Es Amecha
2:25 – The Rebbe recites the possuk of Ata Horeisa
2:53 – The Rebbe recites the possuk of Ki Mitziyon
3:05 – Congregation reciting the possuk of Vhaya Zaracha
3:19 –  The Rebbe recites the possuk of Vhaya Zaracha (second time)
3:50 – The Rebbe recites the possuk of Vhaya Zaracha (third time)
4:22 – Singing Ufaratzta
6:13 – Singing Hakofos niggun
10:35 – Singing Utzu Eitza
19:39 – Sining Al Hasela
20:22 – Singing B’cha Hashem
23:04 – Singing Vchal Karnei
23:47 – Singing Velokim Malki
26:00 – Singing Hakofos niggun

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