Levaya Held for Reb Yisroel Francis

The levaya of Reb Yisroel Francis a longtime resident of Crown Heights, passed by 770 Eastern Parkway Monday morning.

The levaya of Reb Yisroel Francis a longtime resident of Crown Heights, passed by 770 Eastern Parkway Monday morning.

He is survived by his wife Ruthie and their children, Tapharah Francis – Crown Heights, Enan Francis – Houston, TX, Gershom Francis – Cleveland, OH and Rivkah Shirah Lipkind – North Miami Beach, FL, and grandchildren.

The Francis family will be sitting Shiva at 686 Crown st, Until 1pm and from 4:00 pm to 10:00pm

2 Minyanim are needed
7:00 am Shacharis
6:30 pm Mincha
Maariv Bizman

To share memories with the family, email [email protected]

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