Levaya Held for Reb Yaakov Kopel Rubin

The levaya of Reb Yaakov Kopel Rubin, beloved patriarch to a respected Lubavitch family, and scion of great chassidic masters, passed 770 on Wednesday morning.

The levaya of Reb Yaakov Kopel Rubin, beloved patriarch to a respected Lubavitch family, and scion of great chassidic masters, passed 770 on Wednesday morning.

He is survived by his wife Leah Rubin and their children Chaya New of Melbourne, Australia, Rivkah Denburg of Boca Raton, Florida, Rochel Butman of Crown Heights/ Westchester, Dinah Brawer of Crown Heights, Dvorah Glick of Crown Heights, Chana Silberstein of Larchmont, NY, Esti Mochkin of Crown Heights, and Moshe Yosef Rubin of Pomona, NY; and by many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Shiva this week will be at 1261 50th Street, Brooklyn, NY.

Wednesday evening sitting
1261 50th Street, Boro Park
Mincha 7 pm
Maariv 8:45 pm
Shiva until 9:30 pm

Thursday all day at 1261 50th Street, Boro Park
Shacharis 10 am
Mincha 8 pm
Maariv 9:30 pm
Shiva until 10:00 pm

Friday at 1261 50th Street Boro Park
Shachris 10 am
Shiva until 11:30 am

Shiva will be at
96 Park Lane Tannersville NY
Motzei Shabbos until 10:30 pm
Sunday in Tannersville
Shachris 10am
Mincha 8pm
Maariv 8:50 pm
Shiva until 930pm.

Shiva will resume Monday morning at 1261 50th Street
Shacharis 10 am
Mincha 8 pm
Maariv 8:45 pm
Shiva until 10 pm

Tuesday morning at 1261 50th Street, Boro Park
Shachris 10 am

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