The levaya for Rabbi Meir Rotenstreich, a long-time resident of Crown Heights and patriarch of a large family, passed by 770 Eastern Parkway on Sunday afternoon, en route to kevura in Eretz Yisroel.
The levaya for Rabbi Meir Rotenstreich, a long-time resident of Crown Heights and patriarch of a large family, passed by 770 Eastern Parkway on Sunday afternoon.
Levaya and Kevura will be held in Eretz Yisroel on Monday at Shamgar Funeral Home at 2:00 PM.
He is survived by his wife Libby Rotenstreich, and children Braindy (& Eli) Gitler, Monsey NY, Perel (& Itchel) Krasnjansky, Honolulu, HI, Naftali (& Sorie) Rotenstreich, Manhattan, NY and his grandchildren Yossi, Tzivi & Gitty Rotenstreich (children of Yankel a’h).
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