Levaya Held for R’ Shalom Ber Gansburg

The levaya of R’ Shalom Ber Gansburg, who assisted the Rebbe and Rebbetzin in their home for many years, passed 770 on Wednesday.

The levaya of R’ Shalom Ber Gansburg, who assisted the Rebbe and Rebbetzin in their home for many years, passed 770 on Wednesday.

Since Gimmel Tammuz, he was responsible for overseeing the Rebbe’s room in 770 Eastern Parkway, where they levaya passed.

His memories of his work for the Rebbe and Rebbetzin were collected in the booklet called ‘Bakodesh Penima.’

He is survived by his children, Levi Yitzchok and Chanie.

He is also survived by his siblings, Yitzchok Gansburg, Mendel Gansburg, Chaya Sara Zarchi, and Rivky Majeski of Crown Heights.

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