Levaya Held for Mrs. Devorah Leah Blau 

The levaya of Mrs. Devorah Leah Blau, who was known for her passion in mivtzoim and teaching the Rebbe’s sichos, passed 770 on Sunday.

The levaya of Mrs. Devorah Leah Blau, who was known for her passion in mivtzoim and teaching the Rebbe’s sichos, passed 770 on Sunday.

She is survived by her husband R’ Reuven Blau and her children: Mendel Blau – East Flatbush; Chaya Cheruty – Florida; Rivky Abramson – East Flatbush; Esther Blasenstein – Crown Heights; Mushka Blau – Crown Heights; Yossie Blau – Remsen Village; Shaina Glick – Crown Heights; Shternie Grosh – Crown Heights; Zalman Blau – Crown Heights, Rochelle Blau – Crown Heights; Fraida Grossman – Crown Heights; Moishe Blau – Crown Heights; Dovber Blau – Crown Heights.

She is also survived by her mother, Mrs. Malka Sara Kuperman – Crown Heights; her brother R’ Nota Kuperman – Crown Heights; and her sister Hinda Baila Reizes – Crown Heights.

She was predeceased by her brother R’ Avraham Leib Kuperman a”h of Crown Heights.

Her children will be sitting Shiva at the Blau home, 607 Lefferts Ave. Brooklyn NY, 11203.

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