Levaya Held for Yehuda Leib Greenwald

After suffering a heart attack two months ago, Habochur Yehuda Leib Greenwald tragically passed away at the age of 36. Friends and acquaintances came out to accompany him on his final journey.

After suffering a heart attack two months ago, Habochur Yehuda Leib Greenwald tragically passed away on Monday, 5 Iyar.

He was 36 years old.

He is survived by his parents, Nosson and Bela, and siblings Rochel Leah, Chaim, Chana, Sholom Ber, Brocha and Miriam.

Mother Bela, and sisters: Rochel Leah, Chana and Brocha will be sitting at 1420 East 7th, apt 2 (between Aves M and N).
9:30am till 12:30pm
2:30pm till 7:30pm
Mincha/Marriv daily 7:30pm

Melbourne: Father Nosson Dovid, Siblings: Chaim, Sholom Ber, and Miriam will be sitting at 93-95 Hotham Street, Apt 5.

Boruch Dayan Haemes

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