Levaya for Rabbi Berel Pachter Held in Paris

The levaya for Rabbi Zvi Dovber (Berel) Pachter, a beloved mashpia and mechanech in Brunoy, and a well-known baal menagen, was held in Paris, France.

Photos: Mordechai Lubecki

The levaya for Rabbi Zvi Dovber (Berel) Pachter, a beloved mashpia and mechanech in Brunoy, and a well-known baal menagen, was held in on Friday in Paris, France.

Rabbi Patcher served as a mashpia and mechanech at the Chabad Cheder in the city of Brunoy, France. He was a gifted speaker known for his eloquent and moving speeches. He was a sought-after lecturer on matters related to Moshiach and Geula.

He was a talented baal menagen and musician. He composed several niggunim for the Rebbe’s Kapitel and two of his tunes were ultimately selected.

He is survived by his wife Naama and children, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Pachter, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Pachter, and Mrs. Chana Baila Steinmetz. He is also survived by his mother and siblings.


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