Levaya for R’ Mendel Plotkin Held in New York

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/Anash.org

The heart-wrenching levaya of Rabbi Mendel Plotkin, a young father and ba’al chessed from the Toronto Chabad community, took place in New York on Sunday, passing 770 en route to Old Montefiore Cemetery.

The heart-wrenching levaya of Rabbi Mendel Plotkin, a young father and ba’al chessed from the Toronto Chabad community, took place in New York on Sunday, passing 770 en route to Old Montefiore Cemetery.

He is survived by his wife Goldie (nee Wolosow) and their nine children: Nochum, Yisrolik, Shaina, Levi, Yosef, Chaya Mushka, Shneur Zalman, Tzippa and Relka.

He is also survived by his parents Rabbi Mayer and Sarah Leah Plotkin – Montreal; and siblings Miriam Notik – Montreal; Rivkie Bogomilsky – New Jersey, Shterny Raskin – Montreal; Levi Plotkin – Crown Heights; Shmarya Plotkin – Montreal; Nechama Dinah Lipskier – Crown Heights; Yosef Plotkin – North Carolina; Malka Michla Perlow – Crown Heights.

Shiva will be at 555 Crown St. #1E.

Updated shiva info:
10 AM -12 PM
2 PM -5 PM
9 PM -10:30PM

Shacharis 10:00 AM
Maariv bzmano

Please respect the family’s wishes and respect the hours.

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