Leibel Blesofsky, a chazzan and long-time resident of Crown Heights passed away on Monday, 22 Iyar, 5782.
Leibel Blesofsky, a long-time resident of Crown Heights passed away on Monday, 22 Iyar, 5782.
He was the son of Rabbi Shneur Zalman and Chaya Ita Blesofsky. His father served for many decades as the Gabbai at 770 Eastern Parkway.
He is survived by his siblings Yehuda Blesofsky – Crown Heights, Avrohom Ber Blesofsky – Melbourne, Australia, Ari Blesofsky – Crown Heights, Libby Zwiebel – Morristown, NJ, Mimi Furst – Florida, Yehudis Engel – Crown Heights, and Feigy Rubenfeld – Crown Heights.
The levaya will be held Monday afternoon, passing 770 at 3:00 PM.
Shiva information will be added when available.
Baruch Dayan Haemes.
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