Learning Program in Tzfas Camp Memorializes Shmuel Karnowsky

The sound of excited learning filled the mountains of Tzfas this summer, as a successful program encouraged bochurim in Yeshivas Kayitz Tzeirei Hashluchim joined a program to study the Rebbe’s ma’marim.

The sound of excited learning filled the mountains of Tzfas this summer, as a successful program encouraged bochurim in Yeshivas Kayitz Tzeirei Hashluchim joined a program to study the Rebbe’s ma’marim.

Every Shabbos afternoon, the Zal at the YKTH summer program would be filled to the brim. A special ma’amar from the Rebbe was chosen each Shabbos. After being taught Shabbos morning, the bochurim would then spend the afternoon reviewing and mastering the ma’amar.

Motzei Shabbos a thorough test would be given. The program, named “Ma’amar for Shmuel” was dedicated in memory of a former talmid in YKTH, Shmuel Karnowsky a”h.

“I never thought I’d be able to cover such a wide range of ma’amarim in just one summer and actually remember them.” exclaimed one bochur toward the end of the summer.

Over 70 percent of the Yeshivas Kayitz participated in “Maamar for Shmuel.” Those who took part were awarded with a thrilling trip, horseback riding in the beautiful mountains of Tzfas.

“We would like to thank Rabbi and Mrs. Osher Karnovsky for their great generosity in making this program possible,” the staff said.

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