A new series of classes organized by Rabbi Eliyahu Rapoport and delivered by Rabbi Yossi Lipskier will allow anyone to comprehend and master Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh on their own.
It’s that time of year again. Shlosha Prakim Rambam is learning Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh.
For some reason, these 19 Prakim have been labeled by so many as “too difficult to understand”.
Yes, there are unfamiliar terms. Yes, we get less than a week to make it through the material.
But it’s not as hard as you might think.
All that’s needed is some basic introduction to mathematics and astronomy, and some good visuals to go along.
Enter Rabbi Eliyahu Rapoport from Bais Menachem Chabad Center in Chicago.
Rabbi Rapoport has a tremendous koch in Rambam, which eventually led him to create a popular WhatsApp group, where he posts trivia and thought-provoking questions related to the daily Rambam.
With Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh on the horizon, Rabbi Rapoport wanted to help make the learning more accessible. So he reached out to Rabbi Yossi Lipskier from Sherman Oaks, CA, who has always been fascinated by, and is very well versed in this part of Rambam.
Through their collaboration, a new series of Shiurim was born.
With his signature clarity, Rabbi Lipskier successfully distilled the premises and principles that form the basis for these complex Halachos, in a way that even a beginner can understand.
After listening to these classes, you will be empowered to comprehend and master Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh on your own.
Click here for the playlist of Kiddush Hachodesh videos. Check back for more!
To listen in a podcast format click here. Keep checking back for updates on your favorite podcast platform.
If you would like to partner with this project and enable similar future projects, please show your support at baismenachemchicago.org/donate.
VIDEO: Kiddush Hachodesh Introduction
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