The L’Chaim of Yossi Caroline of Miami, Florida and Bracha Barber of Crown Heights took place Monday night at the Jewish Children’s Museum.
Photos: David Katash/
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MAZEL TOV, Mazel Tov to all the families and ESPECIALLY to the Zeifman family – the Kallah’s Grandparents, Shimon and Sima Zeifman. So happy for you all and of course to the Kallah’s Mother, Gittel Barber (nee Zeifman) –
Love, Feiga Rosenberg of Westlake Village, California
MAZEL TOV, Mazel Tov to all the families and ESPECIALLY to the Zeifman family – the Kallah’s Grandparents, Shimon and Sima Zeifman. So happy for you all and of course to the Kallah’s Mother, Gittel Barber (nee Zeifman) –
Love, Feiga Rosenberg of Westlake Village, California