Lawyers, Bochurim, Professionals Test For Smicha

Over 50 talmidim in the acclaimed Smicha program run by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, got tested recently by Rabbonim on various topics and have shown clarity and knowledge in their studies.

In recent weeks, dozens of talmidim from the Online Smicha program got tests by Rabbonim on various topics. Groups of Talmidim were tested by Rabbi Berl Bell of Montreal, Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld of OK kosher, Rabbi Yosef Marlow of North Miami Beach, and other Rabbonim as well.

The Talmidim tested showed great knowledge and fluency, along proper understanding of the materials and the ability to connect different topics together into practical discussions.

These students have been learning for Smicha with Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, who is known for his vast knowledge of Halacha and dynamic engaging classes.

Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha is a pioneering program that offers live interactive Shiurim, alongside charts, recordings, mock tests, and many other tools which are designed to give a strong learning environment for online learning. The program has been teaching students worldwide for almost 15 years with great success.

A new class is opening at Online Smicha this week. For more information about class openings and upcoming courses visit Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha’s website at or email [email protected]

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