Launch of ‘Traveling Torah’ is the Closing of Decades-old Circle

In celebration of the 70th birthday of Rabbi Shea Hecht, friends and family are honoring him by writing a Sefer Torah. It began on the yahrzeit of Rabbi JJ Hecht with a supporter who was once his congregant.

Rabbi Shea Hecht is a cult-busting Rabbi, marriage counselor, and friend to many elected officials. In celebration of his 70th birthday, friends and family are honoring him by writing a Sefer Torah.

While every Torah is holy, this one stands out. Just twelve inches in height, the Torah will be placed in a custom portable ark and travel around on a mission. The Traveling Torah will visit children who are hospitalized or homebound due to medical conditions and unable to attend shul for Shabbat, Yom Tov, or to celebrate their Bar Mitzvah. 

The Torah will bring refuah, simcha, and encouragement to kids who need it most. JJ Hecht II, president of Toys for Hospitalized Children®, shared, “Happy Kids Heal Faster is our motto, and this Torah will bring joy and healing to sick children. We are very excited about this project and thank all our friends and family for joining us.”

The Hecht family already began visiting friends and supporters, giving them the great opportunity to write a letter in the Traveling Torah. Mr. Ira Rennert and his son Ari, close friends of the Hecht family, kicked off the launch by dedicating the book of Bereshit and writing the first word, Bereshis. Growing up, Mr. Rennet’s rabbi was none other than Rabbi Shea’s father, Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht OBM. Appropriately, the writing of the Torah commenced on the yahrzeit of Rabbi Hecht OBM with Mr. Rennert and his family. 

The Torah will be completed for Rabbi Shea Hecht’s birthday next May and begin its mission with a grand celebration. 

To get involved in the project or for sponsorship opportunities email [email protected].

Donations can be made at

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