Last Year, This Crown Heights Family Couldn’t Make Pesach

When the Cohen* family of Crown Heights couldn’t make Pesach, the community stepped up to help.

It was getting close to Pesach and Levi Cohen* still didn’t have their meat order organized.

It wasn’t because he’d forgotten to place his order or had dawdled on the pickup; he simply didn’t have the funds.

On top of that, there were all the other expenses of Pesach that had to be taken care of. Their kids needed new clothes, they still hadn’t placed their grocery order, and their kitchen was in desperate need of updated Pesach cookware.

As the days passed, Levi and his wife were getting more and more anxious. Pesach was getting closer and they still didn’t have a solution.They didn’t know where to turn.

Tension lay thick in the Cohen household. Their parents were worried, and the kids could feel it.

That’s when the Crown Heights community stepped up to the plate.

After reaching out to Keren Anash, the Cohens received credit at multiple Crown Heights stores, to organize all their Pesach shopping. The family’s worries were laid to rest. Pesach was taken care of. 

The kids–and their parents–could finally enjoy Pesach the way it should be.

“It was more than the physical help,” Levi later told us. “It was knowing that our community was there for us.”

This year, we’re doing it again. There are 250 families in Crown Heights who are struggling to make Pesach, and they need your help.

This year, let’s give our maos chitim to our own–because Kol Dichfin starts right next door.

Help 250 Crown Heights families make Pesach:

*names changed to protect privacy

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