“Last Week You Rejoiced With the Torah…”

A poignant line from the Rebbe, containing a lesson for Rosh Chodesh Chesvan, contains a lesson for each of us as we continue into “regular life” after a month of Yomim Tovim.

Photo of the Rebbe courtesy of RebbeDrive

A poignant line from the Rebbe, containing a lesson for Rosh Chodesh Chesvan, contains a lesson for each of us as we continue into “regular life” after a month of Yomim Tovim.

In the early years before the nesius, the Rebbe compiled a calendar for children, in addition to Hayom Yom. The work was entitled “Young Scholar’s Pocket Calendar,” and was geared for young children, including those who were learning in public schools.

The Rebbe himself prepared each day’s lesson, usually containing a possuk, ma’amar chazal, or other lesson simple enough to be understood by children. After the Rebbe wrote each entry in Loshon Kodesh, they were translated into English by Dr. Nissan Mindel and published in a small, pocket sized book.

The following entry, for the 30th Tishrei, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan is a short entry, like the others in the booklet. Nevertheless, the message is one that can speak to both adults and children alike.

שבוע העבר שִמַחתָ בתורה.
? עתה – בזמן הלימודים – היכולה התורה לשמוח בך

Last week, you were joyous with the Torah.
Now – when it’s the time to study – can the Torah be joyous with you?


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  1. כדאי גם לציין שהרבי ערך 2 לוחות כיס כאלו, וזה מהלוח של תש”ד

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