Last Few Hours: Don’t Miss Out!

Hurry, you still have a chance to make a meaningful pledge before Yom Kippur. Join us now in seeking blessings for “Children, health, and livelihood in abundance”!

Hurry, you still have a chance to make a meaningful pledge before Yom Kippur. Join us now in seeking blessings for “Children, health, and livelihood in abundance”!

Be a part of Maor’s Annual Pledge Campaign, an ongoing initiative to bolster Maor’s year-round efforts in spreading the Rebbe’s message to tens of thousands of children and adults worldwide.

Follow the Rebbe’s guidance from Nitzoim-Vayelch 5743: “If you want Hashem to bless you with children, health, and livelihood in abundance, you need to give Tzedakah generously as a wealthy person!”

Demonstrate your support at, where you can also choose to make a one-time donation.

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