Last Chance to Register for This Year’s Lemaan Yilmedu Courses

Start off your year strong with a commitment to learning Halacha. Lemaan Yilmedu, the premier learning center of Crown Heights, is kicking off their courses this week! Each year-long course can help you master an area of Halacha in a practical, in-depth way. 

Lemaan Yilmedu was created to fill the need for high-quality, immersive Halacha instruction in English. Working with a team of Rabbonim, teachers, translators and graphic designers, we have produced the most comprehensive English-language Halacha courses to date.

Lemaan Yilmedu’s courses range from our popular Semicha course, through which hundreds have received their Semicha, to more advanced courses tackling difficult and complex topics, until now inaccessible in English. These include our Mikvaos course and Chuppa Ve’Kiddushin course, which make these crucial Halachos comprehensible and clear.

“This was the first time I really delved into the practical aspect of a Yid’s life by learning Shulchan Aruch and halacha really well.” says Mordechai Fadlon, a resident of Crown Heights. 

“It opened the door to a whole other area of learning that I otherwise would not have had. Additionally, the program is built to provide married men who lead very busy lives an opportunity to learn Torah in a comfortable and doable manner. The demands of the program and the times of the shiurim are all well thought out so that they do not infringe on a person’s work schedule and ability to provide a parnassah for his family.”

Courses are starting now! Register today to begin your year on the right foot, committing to learning Torah in a practical, concrete way.

Explore all courses:

Sofer Stam
Starting August 29, 2023

Business Halacha
Starting August 31

Hilchos Shabbos
Starting September 3

Starting September 4

Starting September 4

Day-to-Day Halacha
Starting September 5

Chuppa & Kiddushin
Starting September 6

Starting September 7

Posek in Hilchos Shabbos
Starting October 9

Community Rav
Starting October 10

View curriculum, schedules, and sample material or register today at!

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