Farbrengen and Siyum HaRambam at Empire Shtiebel

Irgun Torah invites the community to a farbrengen and seudas mitzvah in honor of Lag B’omer and the Siyum HaRambam which will take place Thursday 8:00pm, at the Empire Shtiebel.

Irgun Torah invites the community for a Farbrengen in Honor of Lag B’omer, and in honor of the annual Siyum HaRambam. 

Over the past year, many members of our community have learned 3 chapters of Rambam daily. Join us in celebrating the siyum and farbreng with the mashpi’im and magidei shiurim.

This Thursday evening, May 19th, Chai Iyar, 8:00pm, at Empire Shtiebel 489 Empire Blvd. Seudas Mitzvah will be served.

Joining the farbrengen will be Rabbi Shmuel Heber and Rabbi Kasriel Kastel, together with magidei shiurim in Rambam: Rabbi Michoel Zajac, Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz and Rabbi Zalman Hertzel.

Participating Magidei Shiurim: Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz, Rabbi Zalman Hertzel – Tiferes Zekeinim, Reb Mendel Weintraub – 770, Rabbi Michoel Zajac – Empire Shtiebel, Reb Mendel Potash – 8th grade, Rabbi Levi Rapoport – Reyim Ahuvim, Rabbi Shalom Ber Shpielman – Lefferts Shul. 

For a full listing of shiurim and podcasts from Irgun Torah, visit: IrgunTorah.org/shiurim

Join the Rambam WhatsApp group for recorded shiurim: bit.ly/rambam-group  

Find more shiurim available on the Rambam App: bit.ly/rambam-app 

Partner with Torah: IrgunTorah.org/partner 

If you or your shul would like to start a new shiur, please contact us at [email protected]


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