Kvutza Bochurim to Re-Enter Quarantine

Over 200 bochurim who just recently arrived in Crown Heights after quarantining in Connecticut will need to quarantine in their dormitories after one of the bochurim was found to have the corornavirus.

By Anash.org reporter

Over 200 bochurim who just recently arrived in Crown Heights after quarantining in Connecticut will need to quarantine in their dormitories after one of the bochurim was found to have the corornavirus.

The bochurim were part of the annual Kevutzah, which brings hundreds of Israeli students to spend a year learning in 770. This year with concerns about the spread of the coronavirus, a quarantine program was arranged by the Iggud Talmidei Hakvutzah organazation.

After quarantining for two weeks, the bochurim took COVID-19 tests, and after all receiving negatives, the traveled to Crown Heights, arriving late last week.

Despite all the precautions, on Wednesday, a sign was hung up in 770 saying one of the bochurim who had been in the quarantine program had tested positive for corona.

“On the instruction of local doctors, all bochurim who were in the Kvutzah quarantine in Connecticut must re-enter quarantine in their dormitories immediately,” said the sign, hung by Iggud Talmidei Hakvutzah. “A separate announcement about meals, davening and learning will be posted shortly.”

The sign was followed up with an announcement after the main minyan Mincha in 770 at 3:15 by a representative of Iggud Talmidei Hakvutzah.

“The quarantine will only be for a few days,” he said. “Please, everyone follow the rules set by the doctors, or they will be forced to close 770.”

He attempted to continue and announce about the quarantine, but he was quickly drowned out by singing.

Further details, and any announcements by local doctors with regards to 770 and those who came into contact with the kvutzah, will be posted when it is received.

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