Kollel Publication Uplifts Community During Lockdowns

In the midst of the COVID-pandemic, Kollel Menachem of Melbourne launched a highly popular magazine that brings quality Torah columns and articles authored by Kollel Avreichim and guest contributors.

Kollel Menachem Lubavitch of Melbourne was established by the Rebbe in 5739, with the Shlichus of spreading Torah and Chassidus throughout Australia. The Kollel reaches thousands each week through Shiurim, Chavrusa learning, online Shiurim, social media content, and weekly publications.

In the midst of the COVID-pandemic, the Kollel launched a new initiative – the LIFT publication. Published on a bi-monthly basis, the LIFT magazine has been highly popular. Members from across the spectrum of the Melbourne community wait with anticipation for each new edition to be released and delivered to their homes.

Each full-color edition features high-quality columns and articles authored by Kollel Avreichim, former Avreichim, and guest contributors.

Regular columns include; a biography of Torah personalities, in-depth Torah feature article, a masterfully retold Chassidishe story, an interview with local community members who helped build Yiddishkeit in Melbourne and a page of puzzles and riddles enjoyed by kids and adults alike.

In the latest Teves edition you can read about; the Chassidus of the meaning of dreams, a portrait of the famed Mahari Assad, an interview with Rabbi Avraham Ber Blesofsky and more. To read online or download click here.

The LIFT magazine was started by former Avreich, Rabbi Mendel Gurkov. Current editor-in-chief is Kollel Avreich Rabbi Menachem Sufrin. The project together with all of the outreach activities are overseen by Rosh Hakollel Rabbi Yonason Johnson and director Rabbi Shlomo Barber.

See all previous editions at www.Kollelmenachem.com.au/lift
To subscribe to receive the LIFT email [email protected]

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