Kita Alef in OYYL Celebrates Chumash Party

Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch School in Crown Heights recently hosted a heartwarming Chumash party for the first-grad girls. This special event marked the beginning of their Chumash studies, and was met with great enthusiasm and excitement.

Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch School in Crown Heights, recently hosted a heartwarming Chumash party for the first-grade (Kita Alef) girls. This special event marked the beginning of their Chumash studies, and was met with great enthusiasm and excitement.

Mothers and daughters gathered together to celebrate this momentous occasion. The festivities included a delightful lunch and refreshments, fostering a warm and joyous atmosphere for all attendees.

In preparation for the Chumash party, the girls diligently prepared and studied from a comprehensive workbook that taught valuable insights into the Chumash’s structure, the importance of studying Torah, and captivating stories from Chazal that emphasized the significance of this mitzvah. Excitement filled the air as the girls learned the sheroshim (root words) of the first 20 psukim of Parshas Bereishis, eager and ready to dive deeper into their Chumash studies.

As a special gift, each girl received her very own Chumash. To make it truly personal, the girls, accompanied by their mothers, had the opportunity to decorate and personalize the covers, and to make each Chumash unique and infused with the girls’ individuality.

The Chumash party at Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch was not only a celebration but a testament to the school’s commitment to nurturing their students’ spiritual growth. By instilling a love for Torah study from a young age, the school fosters a lifelong connection to their Jewish heritage and to the Rebbe.

As the first-grade girls embark on their Chumash journey, guided by their teachers and supported by their families, this celebration marks a significant milestone, and was a delightful and impressionable way for the girls to end the year as they head for the summer.

You can learn more about Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch and our school by visiting our website at:, or calling 646-450-4770.


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