Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos Announces Head Staff

As Young Shluchos around the world eagerly countdown until the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos taking place next week, the Shluchim Office announces the head staff leading this year’s dual Hakhel program.

As Young Shluchos around the world eagerly countdown until the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos taking place next week, the Shluchim Office announces the head staff leading this year’s dual Hakhel program.

The Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos is an annual highlight for Young Shluchos, a three day weekend where they get to connect, recharge and enjoy this unique experience. This year’s program will offer both in person and virtual options, enabling every Young Shlucha to experience to join and take advantage of this special Hakhel opportunity.

“With an added division to this year’s in person Kinus and a full virtual program online, the staff have been preparing for the largest program yet,” shared director Mrs. Shira Sabol. “This year’s talented group of staff have been busy creating a one of a kind and unforgettable experience for every single Shlucha.”

Younger Division

Director on Site: Shaina Bracha Landau (Toronto, Ontario)

Head Kloli: Rivkah Dubov (Princeton, NJ)

Head Counselors: 

Fradl Vishedsky (Kiev, Ukraine)

Sheina Danow (Leeds, England)

Mushkie Schmuckler (League City, Texas)

Middle Division

Director on Site: Bassie Zalmanov (Queens, NY)

Head Kloli: Tzirel Goldberg (Toronto, Ontario)

Head Counselors:

Nechama Schmerling (Venice, Florida)

Gittel Nemes (Crown Heights, NY)

Brochi Werner (Crown Heights, NY)

Older Division 

Director on Site: Mushkie Hecht (Toronto, Ontario)

Head Kloli: Sarale Bergstein (Oak Park, IL)

Head Counselors: 

Chana Grossbaum (Paramus, NJ)

Aliza Feiglin (Crown Heights, NY)

Sarale Ehrenreich (Nyack, NY)

Pioneer Division 

Director on Site: Shaina Brook (Crown Heights, NY)

Head Kloli: Shifra Rivkin (New Orleans, LA)

Head Counselors: 

Chana Kornfeld (Lebanon, NJ)

Chassi Mochkin (Rochester, NY)

Mushky Goldberg (Pomona, NY)

The incredible group of staff is led by director Mrs. Shira Sabol with assistant directors Rochel Goldman and Zelda Posner

The team organizing the 770 rally is led by Chaya Mushka Lubin and the group coordinating the grand banquet is led by Moussia Stone and Devorah Leah Simpson. The team of staff arranging the virtual program is led by Rochel Goldman.

Contact [email protected] to reach out to the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos.The Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos is a project of the Shluchim Office.

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