Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim To Take Place In-Person and Online

The Shluchim Office is pleased to announce that this year’s Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim, a long-awaited highlight for Young Shluchim living around the world, will have both in-person and virtual tracks. Registration is now open.

For the over 1,500 Tzeirei Hashluchim who participate, the Kinus is a tremendous source of inspiration, pride in their Shlichus, and a weekend of over-the-top fun.

After moving the program to a 3-day mega virtual experience last year because of the pandemic, the in-person, one-of-a-kind experience is returning to the Rebbe’s daled amos in New York. However, many children who look forward to this event still are not able to attend due to travel restrictions. After the success of the virtual program last year, this year’s program has expanded to offer the Mega Virtual Kinus experience that will take place simultaneously to the in-person program.

“Every Young Shliach deserves the fun, excitement, and connection that the Kinus provides, especially those who are still experiencing restrictions,” shared director Rabbi Berel Bendet. “Between the incredible in-person program and the exciting virtual experience, we look forward to each child having an amazing Kinus experience.”

“The Kinus is honestly my favorite time of the year,” remarked Shneur, a Shliach in Northern California. “Seeing my friends, the trips and excitement… my best part is Friday night in 770 with the whole Kinus together. I can’t wait to come back after missing a year.”

The Shluchim Office is currently bustling with a team of staff planning every detail of the dual program.

Registration is now open at With the Kinus just 3 weeks away, it’s important to register as soon as possible.

Registration due date is next Thursday night, 8 Cheshvan / October 14.

Both the virtual and in-person tracks will take place during the Kinus weekend, 23 – 25 Cheshvan / October 29 – 31.

For all information, log on to

Each track will give the inspiration, connection and friendship Young Shluchim wait for all year, enabling every child to experience Kinus no matter the circumstance.

To get in touch with the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim, email [email protected].

The Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim is a project of the Shluchim Office.


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