Kinus Highlighted Professionalism of “Regular” Melamdim

‘By Mechanchim For Mechanchim’ is a catchy phrase that describes how 10 “regular” melamdim were featured as presenters at the Kinus HaMechanchim this summer.

‘By Mechanchim For Mechanchim’ is a catchy phrase that describes how 10 “regular” melamdim were featured as presenters at the Kinus HaMechanchim this summer.

The Kinus HaMechanchim prides itself that the quality of the presentation, discussions and deliberations are unmatched by any other such gathering and the series of small presentations by mechanchim wee no exception. It took a great deal of preparation on the part of the melamdim but the multiple sessions came off flawlessly.

Rabbi Yoel Vogel, Lubavitcher Yeshiva Crown Street and Rabbi Avrohom Sherr, Lubavitcher Yeshiva Ocean Parkway were put in charge of the sessions and the did a yeoman’s job assuring the interest and proving lasting value of the presentations. As Rabbi Shneur Wilhelm principal of the Lubavitch Academy in Margate FL exclaimed to Rabbi Nochem Kaplan, “We have a great deal of unrecognized talent among our mechanchim, we should be more appreciative”.

Rabbi Avrohom Shtrocks of Cheder Zichrom Shmuel in Nyack presented on the topic of Healthy Expectation in Kriyah, Rabbi Chnanya Hoffinger discussed “How to Introduce gemorah to your Talmidim” while Rabbi Shneur Munitz of Cheder Menachem of Kingston PA, presented on the steps for older talmidim to understand GemorahRabbi Akiva Steinmetz,  first grade rebbe at the Lubavitcher Yeshiva on Ocean parkway and Rabbi Levi Lipinsky, second grade rebbe in Cheder Chabad Philadelphia presented on “Bringing the Yomim Tovim to Life” Rabbi Yisroel Matusof of Chabad Cheder Chabad of Arizona addressed the topic of teaching about “shalsheles nesia Chabad”. Rabbi Shmuel Wagner of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Ocean Parkway presented on the objectives of teaching mishnayos and Rabbi Yoel Vogel on Chumash Skills.

One of the unspoken objectives of the kinus was to elevate the sense self-respect of mechanchim and to demonstrate their professionalism. That was more than accomplished during the By Mechanchim For mechanchim sessions. Rabbi Nochem Kaplan who has been running kinusim for more than 20 years for the Merkos Chinuch Office and before that he chaired many Torah Umesorah conventions remarked that the current crop of mechanchim exceed by for the professionalism and dedication of many of their predecessors.

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