Kinus Hashluchos Focuses on Finding Light Amidst Darkness

The International Conference of Shluchos commenced with a powerful opening session centered around the Kinus theme: “machin lichtig” – increasing light to illuminate one’s surroundings and, ultimately, the world.

The International Conference of Shluchos commenced with a powerful opening session centered around the Kinus theme: “machin lichtig” – increasing light to illuminate one’s surroundings and, ultimately, the world.

Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky opened the program by welcoming the Shluchos on behalf of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, representing his father and addressing the theme of the Kinus “machin lichtig” – increasing light, setting the tone for the evening.

Mrs. Nechamy Simon of Teaneck, NJ, masterfully MC’d the event, guiding the audience through the evening’s program.

The moving program featured various Shluchos sharing their personal stories of overcoming challenges by increasing in light.

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Mrs. Mushka Pizem of Sderot, Eretz Yisrael, shared the challenging circumstances faced in Israel and led the recitation of Tehillim.

Additionally, Mrs. Mushky Chaiton from Summerlin, NV, paid tribute to her mother-in-law’s dedication to Shlichus on the occasion of her Shloshim, marked on the same evening, by saying Tehillim.

Mrs. Raizel Rosenfeld of Cascais, Portugal, shared her experiences since October 7th, when her Chabad house was transformed into a hub for Israeli refugees passing through. She shared the Rebbe’s inspiration in helping her absorb the overwhelming influx of visitors.

Captivating the crowd with her stirring words, Mrs. Devorah Leah Reiter of Roslyn, New York, shared inspiration on the topic of overcoming darkness by appreciating the lights in one’s life.

Representing the Shluchos in the holy land, Mrs. Bracha Leah Sassonkin from Metula, Eretz Yisrael, shared her experiences in Shlichus in Metula since the start of the war, emphasizing the importance of their mission, especially at such difficult times.

The evening closed with a heartwarming video presentation featuring Vaad Hakinus members, highlighting the unique interest and care the Rebbe had for the women’s Kinus.

“The theme of this year’s conference, increasing light to illuminate the darkness, is especially apropos today as we face so much darkness,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Chairman of the International Conference of Shluchos and Vice-Chairman of Merkos Liyonei Chinuch, “We hope the conference infuses the Shluchos with light and inspiration to continue their tremendous work.”

Photos: Itzik Roitman –

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