Kinus Banquet Makes Major Change for Eretz Yisroel

In light of the ongoing situation in Eretz Yisroel, the Kinus banquet will take place at 1:00 PM to accommodate shluchim from Eretz Yisroel who will be joining live. Other programs will also change.

By reporter

In light of the ongoing situation in Eretz Yisroel, major changes were made to the Kinus program to accommodate shluchim from Eretz Yisroel who will be joining live. Other programs will also change.

“All of us are intensely engaged in assisting our brother and sisters in Eretz Yisroel in various ways including Torah, Tefilah and Tzedakah – and most of all through actions of support for those who have been most affected by this terrible tragedy,” the Vaad Hakinus wrote in an email.

They wrote to shluchim that they have been working intensely to re-make the Kinus program so that it would better reflect what world Jewry is experiencing.

“To that end, we have concluded that our annual banquet must incorporate strong elements of Chizuk for the Shluchim, their communities and indeed all the Jews of Artzeinu HaKedosha.”

In order to ensure their participation, the Vaad Hakinus moved the time of the banquet due to the time difference between the US and Israel. Unlike in previous years, when the banquet was a gala dinner, this year, the banquet will be a lunch-time event and the program will be starting at 1:00PM EST sharp.

Other changes will be made to the Kinus program as well, all to accommodate the shluchim from Eretz Yisroel. Among them is that the krias hapan at the Ohel on Friday will begin promptly at 8:00AM EST with the customary hachono program taking place at a different time.

In addition, all Sunday workshops will be moved to either Thursday or Friday, and the Chabad Partners Conference will no longer be taking place this year.

“Wishing an immediate yeshua for Am Yisroel with the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu Umalkeinu B’Rosheinu,” the Vaad HaKinus wrote.

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