Kingston Road Work to Pause for Kinus

Photos: Shalom Ross/

Much-needed road work being done at the corner of Eastern Parkway and Kingston Ave in Crown Heights will be halted for the Kinus Hashluchim, has learned.

By reporter
Photos: Shalom Ross/

On Tuesday morning, many Crown Heights residents were surprised to see several heavy construction trucks parked on Kingston Avenue and on Eastern Parkway, just days ahead of the International Kinus Hashluchim.

The truck are there to begin much-needed road repairs at the intersection of Eastern Parkway and Kingston Ave, Crown Heights’ busiest thoroughfare. has learned that the road work will be halted for a number of days due to the arrival of thousands of guests to Crown Height for the annual conference of shluchim.

Rabbi Yaacov Behrman, director of Jewish Future Alliance, told that he has a commitment that no work will be done during the Kinus Hashluchim, starting Wednesday.

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  1. There are lots of streets that need repair, but Kingston and Eastern Parkway is in pretty good condition.

    Why is the city spending thousands of dollars to tear up and repave perfectly good streets?

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