Kingston Mesivta Opens “Yoshvim” Program

The Lubavitch Mesivta in Kingston, PA, headed by Rabbi Shimon Hellinger, has added a revolutionary program for second and third-year Zal bochurim who want to maximize their year in learning, growth, and giving.

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For the last four years, the Mesivta in Kingston, PA, near the Pocono mountains, empowered bochurim to reach new heights in learning, yiras Shomayim, and middos. Now, they’re announcing their latest addition: A program for Zal bochurim to excel in learning and growth.

Many Zal bochurim feel unsatisfied with their learning in Zal. Bochurim lack clarity and direction in what and how to learn, which leads to wasted time and lacking a sense of accomplishment in learning.

The new “Yoshvim” program, offers bochurim ages 18-20 satisfying learning in a revolutionary arrangement. The bochurim will have an advanced learning program focused on practical halacha with clear hadracha in learning and knowledge of the material.

The Kingston Mesivta is known for understanding the needs and abilities of its talmidim. While every yeshiva endeavors to support their students, the hanhala of Kingston Mesivta understand what drives each mesivta bochur, and they empower talmidim to make learning and avodas Hashem their own. Staff includes Rabbi Shimon Hellinger, Rabbi Mendel Sasonkin, and Rabbi Pinny Levitin, and administrator Rabbi Uri Perlman.

“Many bochurim who are at standard or above standard seek a wholesome and growth-oriented atmosphere in which to learn,” shared Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Hellinger. “Our yeshiva provides for bochurim who already have a drive for learning and chassidishkeit and want the space and tools to thrive.”

The “Yoshvim” program is a unique opportunity for serious, self-motivated bochurim who want to advance in substantial learning. Bochurim will learn practical masechtosaliba dehilchesa,” as well as other learning options.

Yoshvim will also have the opportunity to influence and learn with younger bochurim, a repeated recommendation from the Rebbe to achieve and feel accomplishment. Scholarships are available for qualifying yoshvim.

“We are filling an important void in the world of Lubavitch Zals,” explained Rabbi Hellinger. “Many good and learned bochurim are not succeeding in the current system and we believe that our program will change that.”

To apply for mesivta or to be a yoshev, visit

For more information, contact Rabbi Hellinger at (570) 212-9408 or email [email protected]


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  1. Yeshivos need to think more about what bochurim need. Bochurim spend years in yeshiva and leave without clarity in how to learn.

    Also not everyone enjoys spending 6 months on a few dapim in Baba Metziah. Torah is big and bochurim should learn more and more varied masechtos. They will walk out of yeshiva with real yedios and a geshmak in learning.

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