Kingston Kinus Torah Addresses Curious Halachic Questions

At Kingston Mesivta’s traditional Kinus Torah, speakers discussed fascinating Halacha questions such as taking Tylenol on Shabbos, hurrying through davening to recite hallel with the minyan, and the bracha to recite on the food that will grow on trees when Moshiach comes.

On Thursday evening, Anash and bochurim of Kingston PA gathered at the Mesivta for the traditional Kinus Torah held after each Yom Tov according to the Rebbe’s instructions. The lineup included yeshiva staff and students, as well as other local rabbonim.

A special feature at the event was Harav Gedalya Oberlander, noted rov and Mechaber seforim and member of Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch, who recently moved to the Kingston PA community to serve as rov.

Rabbi Oberlander discussed the fascinating topic of taking medicine and painkillers on Shabbos. Chazal prohibited taking medication on Shabbos out of concern that one may grind herbs, and a decree typically remains even when the original reason isn’t relevant.

Drawing comparisons from clapping on Shabbos and drinking uncovered liquids, Rabbi Oberlander demonstrated how when the reason is incorporated into the decree it only applies when the reason is present. Another suggestion was that Tylenol is a common household item to which the decree doesn’t apply.

Rabbi Yitzchok Roness, a melamed in cheder, discussed the question of what bracha to recite on the food that will grow on trees when Moshiach comes, and touched upon many other fascinating topics along the way.

Mesivta mashpia Rabbi Yehuda Leib Aronson examined the possibility of hurrying through davening to recite halel with the minyan. Our minhag is to be particular about reciting halel with the minyan on Yom Tov specifically, he explained, is to fulfill “Mikraei Kodesh,” a holy ingathering, following the Ramban’s interpretation. With this, he explored the possibility that one should hurry through pesukei dzimra to achieve this enhanced praise of Hashem.

Touching on a topic recently learned in the yeshiva, Hatomim Yosef Aizenman shared a discussion by the Rebbe on when to eat the eruv tavshilin and eruv chatzeiros, and the reason for the difference between them.

Rabbi Shimon Hellinger, rosh yeshiva of the Mesivta, followed up with discussion of an esrog that is doubtfully missing a sliver. He analyzed possible leniencies including safek drabanan, sfek sfeika, and an allowance for the later days of Sukkos. At last, he discussed a question of color change when the white part is exposed, but explained why it would be permitted if not easily noticeable.


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