Kingston Community Unites for Yud Tes Kislev

Over 100 members of the Lubavitcher community of Kingston, PA, gathered for a grand Yud Tes Kislev seudah and farbrengen, with guest speaker Harav Shlomo Segal of Crown Heights. 

Over 100 members of the Lubavitcher community of Kingston, PA, gathered on Monday night for a grand Yud Tes Kislev seudah and farbrengen.

A full Yom Tov seudah was served, catered by Kingston Kosher with the help of bochurim from the Machon Aharon yeshiva trade school.

The program began with a siyum maseches by Rabbi Mendel Cheruff, a siyum on Tanya by Rabbi Tom Yahel, and a siyum on Hayom Yom by Rabbi Zushe Wilmovsky.

The guest speaker for the evening was Crown Heights Rov Rabbi Shlomo Segal, who related many fascinating stories and continued farbrenging for many hours with many members of the community remaining to farbrengen until early the next morning.

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