Kingston Cheder Celebrates Students’ Mishnayos Baal Peh

Members of the Kingston, PA, Chabad community joined their children at Cheder Menachem of Kingston for a ceremony awarding the children for learning Mishnayos and Tanya ba’al peh throughout the year.

By reporter

Parents and children from the Chabad community of Kingston, PA, gathered at Cheder Menachem of Kingston on Sunday to celebrate the children’s accomplishments in Mishnayos and Tanya ba’al peh.

The Mishnayos and Tanya had been studied by the children throughout the school year, as a gift to the Rebbe for Yud Alef Nissan. Cumulatively, the children learned thousands of lines of Tanya and many masechtos of Mishnayos, with many children celebrating impressive individual accomplishments as well.

In addition, the boys of the first grade, taught by Rabbi Mendy Majesky, were all awarded with Tanyas, besides for any individual prizes, as a reward for the entire class having memorized two perokim of Tanya ba’al peh.

The school also recognized talmid Gabi Levitin, who studied the entire first 12 perokim of Tanya with the hakdama, b’vas achas.

“The talmidim worked very hard to reach their goals, with the majority of the studying being done outside of school hours,” principal Rabbi Yoel Chazan told “Mazal tov to each participant, surely the Rebbe has much nachas from every one.”


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