Kingston Anash Fabreng Chai Elul with Monsey Rov

Anash of Kingston, PA, gathered on Chai Elul for a community farbrengen with Monsey Rov and author of seforim Harav Gedalya Oberlander.

Anash of Kingston, PA, gathered on Chai Elul for a community farbrengen with Monsey Rov and author of seforim Harav Gedalya Oberlander.

Talking on the theme of Elul and teshuva, Harav Oberlander explained the contribution of Chassidus to teshuvah and how it changes one’s perspective.

Harav Oberlander, who stems from Puppa community, shared how when he was first drawn to Lubavitch, he and some others would learn Chassidus with R’ Yoel Kahn. R’ Yoel then prodded them to learn Chassidus by telling them that, since they were not Lubavitch from birth, they needed to make sure to learn Chabad Chassidus to build that connection to Lubavitch. It would be a good idea, said Harav Oberlander, for everyone to have that attitude and to maintain a continuous connection to Chassidus.

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