Kids Kinus Begins Friday With Inspiration and Fun

The boys started out early on Friday morning with registration and Davening, then headed to the 770 for an exclusive tour. They returned to Crown Heights and enjoyed visiting Kingston Avenue with their bunkmates and counselors before preparing for a beautiful Shabbos together. 

Arriving from all around the world, Young Shluchim checked in and registered on Friday morning for the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim of the Shluchim Office. 

The boys started out early on Friday morning with registration and Davening, then headed to the 770 for an exclusive and inspiring tour. They returned to Crown Heights and enjoyed visiting Kingston Avenue with their bunkmates and counselors before preparing for a beautiful Shabbos together. 

The 8th grade division got an extra special opportunity and headed to Manhattan for Mivtzoim and visited a local Chabad House. 

The Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim is a project of the Shluchim Office

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