With just a few hours to Chof Av, the yahrzeit of Harav Levi Yitzchok, Mrs. Leah Cohen, shlucha to Kazakhstan, penned an emotional letter to chassidim around the world.
Shalom U’Vracha, and warm regard from Alma Ata.
In just a few hours, the auspicious day of Chof Menachem-Av will be upon us – the hilulah of Harav Levi Yitzchok, the father of the Rebbe. Reb Levi Yitzchok lived for several years here in Kazakhstan in exile, and despite the hardships and suffering he began to work of making the Jewish wilderness here blossom, to the best of his ability at the time and under the circumstances.
Unbelievably, thanks to his efforts, today Yiddishkeit is growing in Khazakstan in leaps and bounds. Just today the 13th family of shluchim arrived here! The shlichus and all of the activities do not pause for a moment throughout the year.
It’s not easy to live in Kazakhstan, but whenever there is a tough situation, we know we can go straight to the holy tziyun of Reb Levi Yitzchok, the father of our meshalayach, and ask him to daven on our behalf. And each time, we see miracles.
Every time I hear the name “Reb Levi Yitzchok”, my eyes fill with tears. Tears for the mesiras nefesh of Reb Levi Yitzchak in the face of the cursed Communist regime. When you see the many schools, shuls and Chabad Houses that have opened here in Kazakhstan at a dizzying pace, and the many thousands of Yidden who come to the Chabad houses that are located in seven cities throughout this huge republic, there is no doubt who won!
The spread of Yiddishkeit is made possible by our many supporters. One can not compare a table standing on 4 legs to a table of a thousand legs. Each donor and supporter is another “leg” that helps uphold the empire of shlichus in Kazakhstan.
With every donation, you become a partner in a full range of functions and activities that bring Jewish pride to the Yidden across Kazakhstan. But primarily, one has the opportunity to become a partner in a shlichus that especially honors the Rebbe and his father. Every dollar for tzedakah in Kazakhstan is a dollar that highlights the defeat of communism and helps us ensure that Reb Levi Yitzchok’s original investment in Kazakhstan will continue. Join us in our mission – because this is the victory of Reb Levi Yitzchok over the communists yemach shemom.
It is my privilege to turn to you and ask that you double and redouble your partnership in honoring the Rebbe’s father, whether through a personal contribution, or by passing on the message to another Jew.
Today is a tremendous opportunity. It is the day the Rebbe asked that chassidim take part in honoring the memory of his father by studying his Torah and giving tzedakah in his merit. The Rebbe even promises brachos of being repaid of up to 500 times as much as was donated!!
Today we have a rare opportunity.
Each and every person who becomes a partner will have their names, and the names of their loved ones, mentioned on the day of the yahrzeit at the holy tzion of Reb Levi Yitzchak. Countless individuals have experienced miracles seen their tefillos answered in previous years. Tefillos for children, for health, for shalom bayis, parnassah, shidduchim, and in everything you may need!
To ensure that each and every name will be davened for on the yahrzeit, there will be shifts of chassidim at the tziyun throughout the entire Chof Av, mentioning every donor and davening for them.
May we merit to share in many simchos, and may the zchus of Reb Levi Yitzchok stand by every one of you for all that you need.
Donate now and have your name read at Reb Leviks Tziyon on Chof Av!
Yours in friendship,
Leah Cohen
Alma Ata, Kazakhstan
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