Kashrus Expert from OK Kosher Addresses Semicha Students

The semicha program of central Tomchei Temimim brought Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld of the OK to teach about kashrus.

Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld was invited to deliver a guest shiur to the bachurim learning Hilchos Ma’achalei Akum as part of the semicha program at the central Tomchei Tmimim.

Rabbi Weinfeld is a member of the executive rabbinical board at OK Kosher, rav of Beis Eliezer Yitzchak, and a noted expert in the halachos of kashrus.

Rabbi Weinfeld’s shiur was on the practical aspects of Hilchos Ma’achalei Akum, the halachos currently being studied at 770’s Semicha program.

His shiur comes in addition to the shiurim delivered biweekly by Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Zalman Labkowsky in both Yiddish and Hebrew.

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