Joyous ‘Arienfirnish’ Held at Cheder Chabad Florida

Cheder Chabad Florida held a joyous and heartwarming event to mark the ‘arienfirnish‘ for 25 new students, with the customary honey, candies together with eggs and cakes engraved with pesukim.

The arienfirnish is an important day for a Jewish child. In addition to the entire event pulling on the heartstrings of a Yiddishe Mama, it signifies the inaugural moment when a young boy is first introduced to the world of Torah learning. 

Cheder Chabad Florida held a joyous and heartwarming event to mark this special occasion for its 25 new students. Each boy arrived wrapped lovingly in his father’s Tallis and awaited his turn to recite Kametz Aleph aloud. Boys stood proud and others smiled shyly as the room filled with pride and joy. 

As is our Minhag, a Shaar Blatt covered with a layer of honey was presented to the boys who had a delightful time licking it all off the page. Torah is sweet like honey and we Daven that our children experience the taste of Torah learning in the same way.

Candies were thrown, an egg written with the special passuk on it was eaten and a personal honey cake engraved with pesukim was served. The singing and dancing that followed brought the entire event together, joining a new group of children to each other and starting them on a path of true Kedusha. 
Hearts were moved and the sweet sounds of Aleph Beis were celebrated by the next generation of proud Yidden!

Cheder Chabad is alive with the taste of honey and the sweet sounds of young voices reciting their first words of Torah!


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