Joyous 770 Farbrengen Celebrates Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Rescue

Photos: David Katash/

Hundreds of Anash and Bochurim gathered in 770 on Motzei Shabbos for a farbrengen celebrating 82 years since the arrival of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin to the United States that began the transformation of the lower hemisphere.

By reporter
Photos: David Katash/

Hundreds of Anash and Bochurim gathered in 770 on Motzei Shabbos for a farbrengen celebrating 82 years since the arrival of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin to the shores of the United States, escaping the horrors of war-torn Europe and settling in “the lower hemisphere – chatzi kadur hatachton”.

The farbrengen was addressed by Rabbi Benche Butman – shliach in Cambodia, Rabbi Pinchos Chein – shliach in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Rabbi Sholom Schapiro – Rosh Kollel in Manhatten and Rabbi Yosef Engel – shliach in Australia. The farbrengen was arranged by Rabbi Yosef Kratz, director of operations.

During the farbrengen, a Sheva Brachos was held for the marriage of Dovid Gershovitz of Crown Heights and Riki Chein of Buenos Aires, Argentina which took place Monday night in Crown Heights. The farbrengen was followed by joyous dancing accompanied by a musical band.


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