Join the Friedman Kids on a Thrilling Adventure in “Beis Rabbeinu”

Calling all mystery enthusiasts and adventure-seekers! Brace yourselves for an exhilarating experience as the long-awaited full-length video of “Beis Rabbeinu” from MyMaor PLUS has finally arrived! 

Calling all mystery enthusiasts and adventure-seekers! Brace yourselves for an exhilarating experience as the long-awaited full-length video of “Beis Rabbeinu” from MyMaor PLUS has finally arrived! 

Prepare to be captivated for an hour and a half as the Friedman kids embark on a treasure hunt like no other, set amidst the historic backdrop of 770. 

For those who have been following the series, the anticipation has been almost unbearable. Each episode of “Beis Rabbeinu” has left audiences on the edge of their seats, yearning for more clues, more secrets, and more thrills. 

Well, the wait is over, as the entire saga has been compiled into one seamless and mesmerizing clip.

Go to: to watch the full video!

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