JLI Reveals Three Groundbreaking Courses for Academic Year 5784

Twenty-five years since JLI launched, their new lineup of courses will bring Kabbalah, the Rebbe’s Advice for Life, and Jewish values for life-and-death decisions to Chabad’s widest audience yet.

It’s been twenty-five years since JLI’s first course launched at a half dozen Chabad houses across the US in 5759, 1998. Now, ahead of 5784’s academic year, JLI’s lineup of three courses is set to launch at over 500 Chabad houses and Jewish educational centers in 44 US states and 28 countries worldwide—their names: The World of Kabbalah, Advice for Life, and Decisions of Fate.

JLI’s three new courses explore captivating topics designed to generate wide interest among curious Jews of all backgrounds. Of particular note, this year’s lineup features a uniquely impactful course on the Rebbe’s Advice for Life to mark the thirtieth anniversary of Gimmel Tammuz. 

Set to launch this fall, The World of Kabbalah, developed by Rabbi Mordechai Dinerman, presents a comprehensive introduction to the key terms and teachings of Kabbalah. This six-week curriculum also shows how Kabbalah’s wisdom offers guidance for students’ everyday concerns. As interest in Kabbalah continues to surge among Jews of all backgrounds, this course promises to satisfy a growing curiosity and unpack profound insights useful for everyday life.

This winter, Advice for Life offers students an unprecedented glimpse at the Rebbe’s advice for leading a more purposeful life. Developed by Rabbi Naftali Silberberg, this six-week course draws on letters, video records, and personal testimonies to share the Rebbe’s advice to individuals on six highly relevant subjects: work, family, health, mental well-being, adversity, and personal growth.

Timed to preempt the thirtieth anniversary of Gimmel Tammuz, this course aims to present a rarely presented side of the Rebbe’s leadership, his profound and practical wisdom for everyday living, to a broad audience. 

Decisions of Fate completes the lineup with a four-week course by Rabbi Shmuel Super that shows how timeless Jewish values provide practical guidance for making life-and-death decisions. This course explores the Jewish medical ethics of risky treatments, end-of-life care, abortion, and the proper care of the deceased. It unpacks paralyzing dilemmas students see as pressing and relevant and provides the guidance they seek.

As with all JLI’s flagship courses, this year’s curriculum lineup comes bundled with Powerpoint presentations, teacher’s manuals, student books, and numerous supplementary, interactive resources and videos to enable students to dive deeper. In all, these courses are estimated to reach upwards of 80,000 individuals worldwide.

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