JEM Honors Mr. Sami Rohr with Musical Tribute by Avraham Fried

On the eve of the Yahrzeit of Mr. Sami Rohr, the JEM Foundation has released a highlight from its Gala honoring Mr. Rohr, shining a spotlight on the legacy of charity that he taught to his family.

On the eve of the Yahrzeit of Mr. Sami Rohr, a philanthropist whose generosity played a pivotal role in the growth of Jewish life and observance for over half a century, the JEM Foundation has released a highlight from its Gala honoring Mr. Rohr, shining a spotlight on the legacy of charity that he taught to his family.

Initiating the presence of, and partnering with the work of, emissaries of the Rebbe in hundreds of cities across the world, Mr. Rohr funded a veritable renaissance of Jewish life. The international Jewish singer Avraham Fried, performing a whymsical Yiddish song to the letters of the Alef-Bet, is accompanied by images of Mr. Rohr’s impact. 

Mr. George Rohr, Sami’s son, serves as the JEM Foundation’s Honorary Chairman.  The Foundation’s mission is “to assure that the voice of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, remains accessible in meaningful ways,” funding the work of JEM to preserve, curate and provide access to the recordings and life story of the Rebbe, for this and future generations.


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