Italy Camp Offers Unique Summer for High School Girls

In less than two weeks, girls from all over the world are meeting up to spend three fabulous weeks together in Italy at Camp ISP. Limited spots are still available.

In less than two weeks, girls from all over the world are meeting up to spend three fabulous weeks together in Italy.

Together as the Rebbe’s daughters, these high-school girls will take a journey through the enchanting landscapes of Italy, venturing into cities and places you’ve never explored before, such as Rome, Milan, Venice, Switzerland and more.

In its 18th year, Camp ISP will give these girls a summer they will remember forever, filled with exhilarating adventure, Chassidishe Farbrengens and programs, lifelong friendships, and beautiful memories.

This year, Mrs. Sheina Shechter will be joining the staff team, together with the three talented and caring madrichot Chayale Smith, Devora Plotkin, and Bryna Horvitz.

They will be under the care of Rabbi Wilshansky who is the co-director of the seminary in Milan.

Like so many girls over the years, this year’s group is about to jump into a nurturing and warm atmosphere to bring the girls together as one and allow each to shine and thrive.

While some of the girls are excited for Rome and others for Venice, they all have one thing in common – excitement for the experience of experiencing them as a group.

Leaving on August 1st from New York and returning on August 21st, the group will engage in a packed schedule of travel, activities, and learning and fun.

The excitement is palpable.

To see about a last-minute spot on the trip, reach out to 347-852-4693.

Click here to register.

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