It Ain’t Over Till it’s Over…

While the Seder may be behind us, there is still time to help your neighbor in need cover his remaining Pesach expenses.

The Seder is behind us, but Pesach is far from over!

The Pesach cycle of shopping, cooking, and eating is well underway and doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon.

While you may be sick of the same old Pesach foods and looking for a way to spruce up your menu, your neighbor is frantically running to the grocery store. At this point, he nas nothing but the bare necessities in his kitchen, and he doesn’t know how he’ll afford what his family needs for the second days. 

With just a few days left until Pesach is over, now is your chance to help your neighbor cover his remaining expenses.

Your donation will go straight to fill his fridge and feed his family for the second days.

Join us now – you can make all the difference:

Wishing you and your family

א כשר און פריילעכן פסח


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