13 Hamas Hostages Returned to Israel

13 mothers and children have been returned safely to Israel after 49 days in Hamas captivity. They are now undergoing medical evaluation in Israel.

The IDF has received the first batch of hostages, 13 mothers and children who were released from after 49 days in Hamas captivity.

The released hostages will be brought to hospitals where they will meet their families. They will be released through the Rafah crossing into Egypt before being flown to Israel. The Egyptian Communications Ministry said that they are preparing for the hostage’ release at the crossing, which includes the Thai hostages.

The release of the 13 hostages is the first of four expected stages. Hamas has agreed to release some 50 hostages over the four days of the truce with Israel, all children, mothers and other women. The sides agreed that Hamas may eventually free more, in exchange for an extension of the ceasefire by a few more days.

The freed captives have been identified by the Israeli media, they include: Margalit Moses, age 77, and Adina Moshe, age 72, Yaffa Adar, age 85, and Channa Peri, age 79.

Additionally, Danielle Aloni, age 44, and her daughter Emilia, age 5; Doron Katz-Asher and her 2 daughters Aviv and Raz Asher, 2 and 4; Keren Mundar, aged 55, her son Ohad, aged 9, and her mother Ruti Mundar, aged 78.

Also freed was Hannah Katzir, 77, who recently appeared in a propaganda video released by the Islamic Jihad. The terrorist group just days ago falsely claimed that Katzir had died in captivity.

The released hostages are only a small group out of some 240 held by Gaza terrorists.

Israel is set to release 150 Palestinian prisoners held for terror offenses, all of them women and minors. It will free 39 today in return for the first 13 Israelis to return.

The next group of 13 hostages is scheduled to be released on Shabbos.

Additionally, the Prime Minister of Thailand has announce that 11 Thai workers -out of 23- were released from captivity in Gaza. This comes after extensive direct negotiations between the government of Thailand and Hamas’ masters in Tehran.

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