Irregularities Reported at Crown Heights Polls

Crown Heights residents have been reporting that they have been unable to vote at their polling locations. Activists are urging residents not to leave, as the issue is being worked on.

Crown Heights residents have been reporting that they have been unable to vote at their polling locations. Activists are urging residents not to leave, as the issue is being worked on.

The following is a message circulated by activists to the community:

We are getting reports from multiple people that they are not being able to vote for a variety of excuses.

If they tell you “They can’t find you” or “There’s no point in filling out an affidavit” DO NOT LEAVE and call 347-522-0377, you will be helped immediately.

There has already been a call to the Board of Elections and they agreed to send someone down.

If anyone has an issue at the polling site (especially Crown St), we are here to help and will deal with it immediately. Call 347-522-0377,” they wrote.



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