Irgun Limud Hatanya Incentivizes Tanya Learning For the Masses

Irgun Limud HaTanya is running a program in nine different locations and offering its Tanya learning curriculum to Yidden of all walks of life.

The Irgun Limud HaTanya is an organization that made learning Tanya an exciting option for bochurim and kollel members in Jewish communities all around the world. It is spreading Chassidus to all walks of life by offering a curriculum and incentivizing people to learn it with a monthly stipend.

This year, they have signed up hundreds of students to join the program from nine different branches located in Boro Park, Staten Island, Monsey, Monticello, Lakewood, Belgium, Melbourne, Williamsburg and Yerushalayim.

The program, which continues to grow in popularity, offers a daily-study calendar guide with frequent review questions, ‘Food-for-Thought’ insights on the Tanya, a monthly test, and a hotline where people can call to hear shiurim on the subject and ask questions on what they learn.

The study is based on the famous Chassidus Mevoeres commentary, and comprises thorough and intense learning. Each student receives a monetary stipend for participating.

They recently hosted the first test of 5784 in each of the locations. It was truly inspirational to greet  bochurim and yungerleit from a full range of different backgrounds, all united in their study of Chassidus.

If you would like to access this transformative program, please contact Rabbi Yoel Naparstek:

[email protected]

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