Interactive Tanya Launches In Time for Yud Tes Kislev

For the first time ever, the Tanya has been published online, with tzuras ha’daf, in an interactive, multimedia format, just in time for Yud Tes Kislev.

Over 100,000 students worldwide visit Mercava each month to learn Gemara with tzuras ha’daf. The platform features the full Shas with inline English and Hebrew translations – including Rashi and Tosefos – interactive audio shiurim and numerous features that utilize the digital medium for Torah learning in unique and innovative ways.

Today marks the first time Tanya has been available in this unique format. And the first time many of these students will have access to a Tanya.

With the permission of Kehot and guidance from esteemed mashpiyim, a team of bochurim and yungerleit from Crown Heights, Morristown, Vermont, Prague and Singapore came together, working around the clock, to add translations, nekudois and audio shiyurim, painstakingly working through the finer details of the Tanya layout to allow this learning tool to ready to be used on time for the new Tanya learning cycle.

“The layout isn’t perfect yet, but we’re working to get it there. After over 100 hours of editing, it’s closer to the tzura of the Tanya than anything that’s ever been put online.” said the project’s Head of Content, Baruch Z’ev Olenick.

Mercava CEO, Yehuda Moshe, shared in a statement, “Today is a great day for Klal Yisrael. I’m honored and humbled to finally be able to bring the Tanya to our users, many of whom have never seen a Tanya before.”

While Mercava has many avid users in the Chabad community, its primary audience has been the Yeshivish, Litvish and Chassidish educational space. Dozens of yeshivos and chadarim from all over the Jewish world use Mercava in their classrooms. Today, those classrooms have access to a Tanya.
Tanya on Mercava is launching together with fully synchronized audio shiyurim from leading mashpiyim, starting with Swift Tanya with Rabbi Yusewitz. Rabbi Menachem Yusewitz, principal of Ohr Menachem, said, “This learning experience is such a taanug ruchni! So glad to be a part of this.”

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