After viewing this week’s Living Torah, where the Rebbe stressed the urgency of attending Jewish camps, the administration of CGI Detorit worked through the night to find room for more campers for both sessions.
Just a few weeks ago, Gan Yisroel Detroit announced that thanks to the purchase of a new expansive campus, they would be doubling the length and capacity of the boys and girls camps with their new purchase of additional camp grounds this year. However, they were still falling short of the demand, too many children were being turned away from camp.
On last night’s Living Torah, Rabbi Shlomo Cunin told how the Rebbe was unhappy that Gan Yisroel New York had a waiting list instead of finding a way to fit more campers, the story continues that Gan Yisroel found a way to accept more children.
In light of this, the administration and head staff worked throughout Motzei Shabbos to find a way to take more campers. They are pleased to announce that they now have room for a few more campers of each age in the boys camp for both sessions.
A big thank you goes to the head staff who worked so tirelessly to make this possible.
Watch the Living Torah video here:
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