Innovative Moshiach Project Aims to Make Moshiach “Relevant”, a division of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, has just launched a new project and it’s with you in mind., a division of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, has just launched a new project and it’s with you in mind.

Think for a second: what holds back most people from connecting to the message of Moshiach, its imminent coming, or our responsibility to bring it?

It’s futuristic, it never happened before and it’s hard to find its relevance to the contemporary person, even Chosid. Inspiration can’t last long term. It’s the relevance of any given campaign, product, or idea that gives it endurance.

Here is where ‘We Don’t Have to Wait’ is changing the picture. This program puts the elusive goal of making ‘Moshiach’ relevant in its crosshairs. The focus is entirely about right here and right now – living our current daily lives with a Moshiach mindset. This isn’t about studying the intricacies of the Beis Hamikdash or the wonders of Toraso shel Moshiach; this is about changing perspective and being conscious of a Moshiach reality today, tomorrow, and yesterday, too.

The Rebbe famously demanded from the Chassidim to “live Moshiach.” This mandate is not just to do another act to hasten his coming, not just to demand his arrival, nor just to anticipate his imminent appearance with bated breath, but to already “live Moshiach” today. Right now.

While it sounds exciting, and every chossid is energized to implement it, the burning question is, “What does that mean and how do we do it?” This is the single question driving this entire campaign.

At the program’s core is a revolutionary experience-oriented curriculum, (and one for kids too!) with a slant for implementation. By committing to gaining the knowledge, and adopting it as your own, you are guaranteed to walk away with a refreshing mindshift of Geulah living. It’s a journey through the Moshiach mindset and it’s yours for the taking.

With in-depth exploration and with an eye towards serious implementation, this sophisticated and all-new curriculum plumbs the core of the Rebbe’s sichos on the topic of living Moshiach. What, really, does that mean? How is one supposed to lead their life today in the spirit of tomorrow?

The curriculum is comprised of three elements: (a) A curated course that serves as background to the primary sichah, (b) the original sichah in Hebrew and English, with interpolated explanation, and (c) a dedicated section that advises and suggests precisely how to implement the ideas in daily life.

“The Rebbe wants us to be proactive and take the responsibility in our hands. To be active in bringing the Geulah.” Says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Mekos L’inyonei Chinuch, “Now, this has been made so much more accessible!”

Tut Altz will be producing another segment of this journey every month. Alongside the curriculum will be supplementary media and messaging to help drive home this message.

Visit our website to learn more about this project:

See here for the first segment of this 6-month campaign:

Check out our state-of-the-art kids curriculum already being used by 2,000 children, with 100s are registering by the day:

And most importantly, click here to go local and set up a monthly learning experience for your community with all the assistance you need:


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